Belowis the List of Openers
Ihave that start from Q - T

Below is openers that I have in cast iron some have pictures linked

Example : Queensland iswrittenon one side & Brewery iswrittenon the other

Type A 85mm   Queensland /  Brewery   (M.I.E. on head)
Type F 91mm   QuilMorris Ltd / Blank

Type A 89mm   R & B Ltd / Phosferrade
Type C 86mm   R &B.  LTD.  / Phosferrade
Type E 90mm   R. Deuchar Ltd / . Newcastle .
Type B 74mm   R. White Reg  /  Valento
Type B 74mm   R. White Reg  /  Zoedone
Type A 88mm   R. White Regd  /  Dry Ginger Ale
Type E  90mm  R. White's  /  Table Waters
Type A 92mm  R. White & Sons  /  Dry Ginger Ale
Type A 90mm  R. White & Sons  /  Valento
Type B 93mm  R.C. AllenLtd  /  same (small letters)
Type B 92mm  R.C. AllenLtd  /  same (large letters)
Type F 76mm  R.C. AllenL TD  /  same
Type A 92mm R.C. Allen. Ltd  /  same
Type A 92mm  "R.C. AllenLTD."  /  same
Type A 92mm  R.Garden  /  Timaru
Type E  90mm  R.L.Jones & Co Ltd  / > Mansfield <
Type C  86mm R.L. Jones& Co Ltd  /  Mansfield
Type C  86mm R.L. Jones& Co Ltd  /  Sunecta
Type E  98mm R.L. Jones& Co Ltd  /  > Mansfield <
Type B 83mm RahrBeer /  Oshkosh
Type E  76mm Ralph Bell   /   Minerals
Type E  90mm Ralph Bell  /  same
Type A  87mm Rankins /Crown Corks  (3mm writing)
Type A  88mm  Rankins/ Crown Corks   (5mm writing)
Type E  90mm  Rawdon's  /  X  Hull  X
Type D  86mm Red Band Ale  /  same
Type E 78mm Redgate / GingerAle  (flared tail)
Type E 76mm Redgate / GingerAle  (roundround tail)
Type E 75mm Redgate / Soft Drinks  (flared tail)
Type E 76mm Redgate  /  Table Waters
Type E  90mm > Redgates <  /  . Ginger – Ale .
Type E  90mm  RedTower  /  - Lager -
Type H  90mm Reeces Milk/ Reeces Cream
Type G  91mm Reeves / Fruit Drinks
Type F 90mm   >  Reid’s  <  /  Special Stout (different shaped F to below)
Type F 90mm   >  Reid’s  <  /  Special Stout
Type F 90mm  . > R e i d s < . / Special Stout    (letters in Reids are spaced out)
Type E  90mm   ReidsAle  /  Reids Ale
Type D  87mm  Reids Ale  /  Reids Ale
Type E  78mm  Reliance / same
Type B  86mm  Reliance  /  same
Type A 88mm   Reschs / Lager   (has foundry mark on handle W )
Type C2 87mm  Reschs /Limited   (M.I.E. on head & is nickel plated)
Type C2 87mm  Reschs /Limited   (M.I.E. on head)
Type C 89mm   Reschs <> / Reschs Pilsener
Type C 88mm   Reschs <> D. A. / Reschs Pilsener
Type C 86mm   Reschs <> Lager / Reschs Pilsener
Type C 86mm   Reschs <> Lager / Reschs Pilsener   (nickel plated)
Type C 85mm   Reschs D. A. / Reschs Pilsener
Type A 87mm   Reschs Lager / Reschs D.A.
Type A 85mm   Reschs Lager  /  Reschs D.A.
Type A 87mm   Reschs Lager / Reschs D.A.   (nickel plated)
Type C2 93mm   Reschs Ltd / Blank
Type A 87mm   Reschs Ltd / same
Type C 73mm   Reschs Ltd / same
Type A 93mm   Reschs Ltd / same
Type E 98mm   x Resch x   /   R.B. Lager and D.A.
Type A 85mm   Reschs Ltd / SAME   (M.I.E. on head)
Type A 87mm   Reschs Ltd / same   (M.I.E. on head & has bigger writing than above)
Type C2 98mm   Reschs. / Lager.    (round head)
Type C2 81mm   Reschs. / Limited.
Type C 85mm   ReschsD.A. / Reschs Pilsener
Type B 88mm   - Reschs D. A. - / - Pilsener -     (missing dashes on frontside)
Type B 88mm   - Reschs D. A. - / - Pilsener -
Type B 88mm   - Reschs D. A. - / - Pilsener -      (letter positioningis different on pilsener side)
Type D2 90mm   - Richmond - / - Bitter -
Type A 85mm   Richmond / Pilsner
Type C 74mm   Richmond / Pilsner   (100 % Pure on head)
Type A 91mm   Richmond Beer / 100% Pure
Type A 84mm   Richmond Pilsner / Blank
Type B 88mm   R. Powley & Co.  /  Speights***Ale   (from New Zealand)
Type E 90mm   8 Robson 8 / Sunderland
Type E 90mm   Rosebrand / > Clean Milk <
Type E 90mm   <8> Rosss < 8 > / . Ginger Ale.
Type C 90mm   <8> Rosss < 8 > / . Ginger Ale.
Type C 91mm    <8> Rosss < 8 > / . Ginger -  Ale.
Type E 98mm   Rothmans Pall Mall  /  Pall Mall Cigarettes
Type G 91mm  Routs Cider /  same
Type D115mm RoyalBannerCigar  /  "Banner Cigar Mfg. Co."
Type E 99mm   R.P.Culley & Co LTD  /  same

Type A 89mm   S.B.Bitter / same
Type A 89mm   S.B.Bitter / same   (no hole in tail)
Type B 94mm  S.B.M. Paris  /  L'AS des AS  (left handed)
Type E 99mm   S.K.Williams Ltd / The Clock House
Type F 91mm   S.P. Lager  /  same
Type D2 89mm S TGalmier  /  S CEBadoit
Type A 83mm   SakuraBeer  /  (Asian writing) 5mm writing
Type A 84mm   SakuraBeer  /  (Asian writing) 3mm writing
Type C2 85mm   Salutaris / same
Type C2 89mm   Salutaris / same  (different type of lettering)
Type A 76mm   Samson /  Seals
Type D 76mm   Samuel Smith  /  Taddy
Type E 90mm   Samuel Smith / > Taddy <
Type F 102mm  Say Barry's Please  /  same
Type C 85mm  SayProbyn'sfor Preference  /  blank  (spinner opener)
Type C2 88mm   SayTristrams / Please
Type D2 75mm   Schlitz  /  same    (nickel plated and small close letters)  (from USA)
Type D2 76mm   Schlitz  /  same    (nickel plated and larger spread out letters)    (from USA)
Type A 90mm   Schwechat  /  Brauerei
Type E 99mm   > Schweppes < / same
Type E 90mm   > Schweppes < / same   (36mm wide head)
Type E 90mm   > Schweppes < / same   (39mm wide head)
Type F 95mm   > Schweppes < / same   (pushed in head)
Type A 91mm   Schweppes  /  same
Type C 90mm   Schweppes  /  same
Type A 93mm   Schweppes  /  Same  (fancier writing than the other one)
Type A 90mm   Schweppes  /  Same  (fancier writing than the one above)
Type C2 85mm   Schweppes / same
Type C 87mm   Schweppes / same
Type A 85mm   Schweppes / same   (flat screwdriver like tail)
Type E 89mm   Schweppes / same   (nickel plated)
Tpye E 99mm   Schweppes  /  same
Type E 75mm   Schweppes / same   (nickel plated)
Type E 78mm   Seeds  /  Preston
Type A 84mm   Serrane113  / Merceria Arture Prat
Type E   75mm SevenUp / same
Type F 81mm   Severn& Co Ltd.  /  Nottingham
Type E 81mm   Severn& Co LTD.  / Nottingham
Type E 90mm   SevernValley / Railway
Type C 87mm   Seymours / Sherbourne
Type E 90mm   Shellmatic  /  Schenectady
Type G 91mm   Shembris  /  Quality Drinks
Type E 90mm   Shipstone / same
Type C85mm   Shipstone / same
Type E  98mm  > Shire Ale <  /  Standard Stout
Type B 85mm   Shrimp Brand  /  Ale & Stout
Type E 75mm   Silver Spring  /  same
Type A 90mm   Simpson/ Blank
Type A 90mm   Simpson/ Blank    (no hole in tail)
Type G 91mm   Sinalco  /  Nordbrau
Type D 90mm   Slack& Cox / same
Type A  92mm  Slacks/  Minerals
Type A 88mm   Slacks/ Mineral  Waters
Type B 80mm   Slacks/ Mineral  Waters
Type G 91mm   SladesSoftdrinks / Phone . J.J.W. 4041.
Type G 91mm   Slades Softdrinks / Phone . J.W. 4041.
Type A 92mm   SmithGarrett  /  Prize Beers
TypeA   89mm This has a map of Australia on the tail and the letters SM-RM andit has the date 4  1 39, nickel  plated SUPER RARE
Type A   87mm Snowdrop  /  same
Type D   84mm - Spa- / same
Type D  86mm  Spa  /  Spa
Type E   78mm - SPA-  /  Table Waters
Type D   89mm  Spits Brugge  /  ' L Hamerken
Type D  84mm Sosyo /  Pub. Soda
Type B  88mm  Source Badoit / St. Galmier
Type E  90mm  Sources Leberg  /  Leberg Bronnen
Type E  98mm  SouthWest 'n  M.W. / - Bournemouth -
Type E  98mm  SouthWestern  /  - Bournemouth -
Type E  90mm  - Spenso -  /  same
Type D  88mm  Spontin  /  same
Type A 89mm   StagLager  / . S.B. Bitter
Type A 89mm   StagLager / S.B. Bitter   (nickel plated)
Type A 85mm   StagStout / Stag Lager
Type A 90mm   StagStout / Stag Lager
Type E 90mm   Stanford & Co  /  Portslade
Type E 77mm   Stapletons / Clean Milk
Type E 91mm   > Stapletons < / > Clean Milk <
Type E 90mm   > Stapletons <  /   > Clean Milk <   (different shaped head, wider)
Type E 90mm   St.Annes Well  /  Ales & Stout
Type E 92mm   >St.Ronan's<  /  >St. Ronan's<
Type D 97mm   StarBeer  / same
Type G 91mm   - Starkey's - /  "Prize Ales"
Type A 88mm   Starkeys /  Prize Ales
Type E 90mm   . Starkeys  .  /  - Sydney -
Type C 85mm   Steward&  /  Patteson Ltd
Type E 89mm   Steward& /  Patteson Ltd
Type E 89mm   Steward& / Patteson  Ltd  (different shaped head)
Type C 98mm   Stockport Co  Op. / > Clean Milk <
Type G 91mm   StoneStout  /  Bents Ales   (Rd # one side & Pt. Apld for on theother) (RD Stone side)
Type G 91mm   StoneStout  /  Bents Ales   (Rd # one side & Pt. Apld for on theother) (RD Bents side)
Type H 92mm   Street/ Better Milk
Type C 85mm   Strong Un / Golden Ale
Type C 85mm   Strongs  /  Golden Ale
Type C 85mm   Strong Romsey / Be a Strong Man
Type B 72mm  Storz/  same (from the USA)
Type B 92mm   Sunshine  /  The Best Ale
Type C2 85mm   Swan/ Bitter
Type C2 88mm   Swan/ Swan
Type C/g 85mm   SwanLager / From Australia   (crown shaped head)

Type A  86mm  T.H.Lloyd /  Northampton
Type E 90mm   T &J  Bernard Ltd  /  Ales & Stout
Type A 87mm   T. & J.  Bernard  Ltd.   /  Ales & Stout
Type G  91mm  T &R Smith  /  - Chorley -
Type A 88mm   T.B.Ale / K.B. Lager
Type C 76mm   Taiwan  /  same
Type E 90mm   - Tamplins - / - Tamplins -
Type G 91mm   Tarax is Tops / Drink Tarax   (Rd # is on Drink Tarax side)
Type G 91mm   Tarax is Tops / Drink Tarax   (Rd # is on Tarax is tops side)
Type E 75mm    Taunton  /  Cider
Type G 91mm   Taylor Walker  /  Brewers Since 1730
Type G 91mm   Taylor Walker’s  /  same
Type C 86mm   Taylor Walkers / Prize Beers
Type E 77mm   Taylors /  same
Type E 90mm   Taylors Ales  /  Keighley
Type D2  99mm  TELF:691142/  J W     (incised writing)
Type C 86mm   Tennents Beer  /  Tennents Lager
Type G 91mm   Tennents Beer / Tennents Lager   (Rd # on Tennents Beer Side)
Type G 91mm   Tennents Beer / Tennents Lager   (Rd # on Tennents Lager side)
Type G 91mm   Tennents  /  Gold Label
Type C  99mm  Tennent's Lager  /  same
Type E 97mm   Tennents Lager / Tennents Pale Ale
Type C 99mm   Tennents Lager / Tennents Pale Ale
Type E 90mm   TetleyAles / same
Type C 87mm   Tetleys / Bitter
Type C 87mm   Tetleys / Imperial
Type C 87mm   Tetleys / Special
Type A 93mm   Tetleys / Special
Type A 93mm   Tetleys / Bitter
Type A 92mm   Tetleys / Special   (letters are closer  together & the Y isa different type)
Type C2 65mm   The Atlantic Refining Co Cleveland Ohio  /  Use Arco Spotz Off  The Best Metal Polish
Type C2 85mm   Tetleys/ Special
Type A 103mm   TheBHam Syphon Co Ltd / same
Type J 101mm   TheCircle Brand /same   (this is a stopper  on one end & has around head)
Type C 91mm     TheCrown Cork / Sterilized Milk
Type C  119mm  TheG&C Foundry Co Sandusky Ohio  /  Quality Castings Est 1916 (FromUSA)
Type C  118mm  The G&C Foundry Co Sandusky Ohio Light Gray Iron Castings  (From USA)
Type C 91mm   The Helidon Spa / Water Co. Ltd.
Type E 98mm   The Helidon Spa / Water Co. Ltd.
Type E 90mm   The Iron Bridge  /  Erected in 1779
Type A 97mm   The New Orange Drink Ralato  /  Blank    (silver platedand enamel writing)
Type C2 118mm  The Union Trading   /   8  Singapore &  8
                                   8  Company  8        /       Kuala Lumpur
Type E 90mm   The Viking  /  F. J. Thornton
Type F 91mm   The Newcastle / Breweries Ltd
Type C 124mm  TheWesternFoundry Company  /  Light Gray Iron Castings (2ndpicture)
Type C 82mm   Thomas& Evans  /  Welsh Hills
Type A 76mm   Thomsons  /  Crown opener
Type B 83mm  Thomsons  /  Thomsons  (has Made In England on head on one side)
Type E 90mm   Thorben/ same
Type C 85mm   Thorben/ same
Type H 92mm   Threein One / same   (no Rd # ;has cap lifter instead)
Type H 92mm   Threein One  / same   (Rd 702661)
Type C 85mm   Threlfall;s Ales  / same
Type D 82mm   Thums-Up  /  Limca
Type G 91mm   Thwaites  /  Black Burn
Type A 93mm   Thwaites / same
Type D 91mm   Tiger/   Asian  script?? (chunky)
Type E 90mm    Tiger Beer  /  same
Type D 92mm   Tiger Beer  /  Tiger Beer   (chunky)
Type F 90mm    Tiger Beer / same
Type F 91mm    Tiger Extra Stout  /  same
Type C  115mm  Tiger Beer / Red Lion
Type D 91mm    Timaru Ale  /  same  (from New Zealand)
Type B  88mm   Timaru Ale  /  Timaru Stout
Type D  90mm   Timaru Ales  /  & Stout
Type G 91mm    "Tizer Special"  /  same
Type F  90mm    Tizer Special  /  same
Type B 114mm  TollyAles/ Beano Stout
Type B 143mm  TollyAleOpener reg no.667117  /  Light & Dark Tolly
Type F 90mm    Tolly Stout / Light Tolly
Type C2 84mm   Tooheys Ltd / same   (oval o's)
Type C2 86mm   Tooheys Ltd/ same   (round o's)
Type G 91mm   > Tooheys< / > Flag Ale <
Type C 86mm   - Tooheys - / - Flag Ale -   (crown shaped head)
Type C 86mm   - Tooheys - / - Tooheys -   (crown shaped head)
Type A 85mm   Tooheys/  same   (3mm writing)
Type A 85mm   Tooheys/ Oatmeal Stout
Type A 87mm   Tooheys/ Pilsener
Type A 85mm   Tooheys  /  same  (5mm writing)
Type A 79mm   Tooheys Ltd  /  same
Type A 93mm   Tooheys Ltd  /  same
Type B 88mm   - Tooth- /  same
Type B 91mm   - Tooth-  /  same
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - / - K. B. Lager -  (Os are oval shaped)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - / - K.B. Lager -   (Os are round)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager  (Tooths is right handed, K.B. lager is lefthanded,oval Os)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager   (Tooths is right handed, K.B. lageris left handed,round Os)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager   (Tooths is left handed, K.B. lager isright handed,round Os)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager  (oval Os hole in tongue)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager  (oval Os hole in tongue, hollowed Os )
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager   (Tooths is at far end near tail holeand hole in tongue, round O;s)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager   (Tooths is at far end near tail holeand no hole,round Os)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager  (dash missing after K.B lager, round Os)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager  (dash missing in front of K.B Lager, ovalOs)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager &ndash; (has point on top for peircing can)
Type A 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager
Type B 88mm   - Tooths - /  - K.B. Lager  (stainless steel, hole in tongue, hole intongue)
Type B 88mm   - Tooths -  / - K.B. Lager  (all letters both sides have letters hollowed)
Type E  98mm  8> Tooths <8 / White Horse Ale
Type C  95mm  Tooths  /  White Horse Ale
Type A 90mm   Tooth & Co Ltd  /  Ale & Stout
Type A 90mm   Tooth & Co Ltd  /  K.B. Lager
Type C2 93mm   Tooth & Co Ltd  /  same
Type A 85mm   Tooth & Co Ltd  /  same
Type E 85mm   Tooth & Co Ltd  /  same (different shape head than above)
Type E 96mm   > Torrino< / Birra Metzger
Type E 78mm   Tower Ales / Tadcaster
Type C 89mm   Trade XLO Mark  /  Westbury
Type C  89mm  Trappisten Bier  /  same
Type E  92mm  > Trasks< / > Yeovil <
Type E  90mm  Tricaline / Eaux De Pougues
                           (On front of head it has ReconsTituante  & On Back of head it has Estomac Diabete)
Type C 87mm   Tristrams / same
Type G 91mm   True Taste / Softdrinks (Rd. number on True Taste side)
Type G 91mm   True Taste / Softdrinks  (Rd. number on Softdrinks side)
Type E 91mm   Trunch Ales / same
Type D 87mm   Tui/ Ale & Stout