I have had alot of people ask me whatbrandscome from where, so I have
made up a couple of pages that I hopewill help you find where that particular
opener comes from. This page is for New Zealand openers that I have in my collection.
Just Remember that I will always
If there is any thing that you would like a scanned picture of,PLEASE ASK !!!!
Type B 89mm Ballin Bros LTD / Blank
Type E 90mm Beehive Ale / Beehive Ale
Type C2 89mm Beehive / E.T. Taylor&
Co Ltd (has Ales and Stouts written on either side of head)
Type B 89mm C & E / Ale &Stout
Type C2 85mm C & E / Ale &Stout
Type E 90mm City Brewery Ltd / City Brewery
Type E 99mm C.Mc Millan & Co LTD
/ > Auckland <
Type A 91mm E.N.
Jones / B P Auckland
Type E 90mm Fiji Beer / Fiji Beer
Type A 86mm Goodwin Davy&Co / Hawera
Type E 98mm Grey & Menzies Ltd /Grey
& Menzies Ltd
Type E 99mm Grey & Menzies Ltd / Blank
Type D2 90mm John Reid & Co / - Auckland
Type D 91mm Harley & Sons / Ale &
Type G 91mm Imperial Ale / Imperial Ale
Type C 99mm Innes / For Quality
Type B 98mm Innes for / Quality
Type E 78mm Innes’ / For Quality
Type G 91mm > Lanes < / Bottled
Type E 98mm Lanes Ltd Dunedin / Lanes Ltd Dunedin
Type C 95mm Lanes Ltd Dunedin / For Quality
Type C2 85mm “ Lion Ale / “
LionStout “
Type G 91mm > Lion Ale < / >
Lion Ale <
Type G 91mm - Lion Ale - / PilsenerLager
(R.D on Lion side)
Type G 91mm - Lion Ale - / PilsenerLager
(P.T. on Lion side)
Type E 98mm x Marvel x / x Marvelx
Type C 99mm Mac Ewans / Pumps
Type G 91mm M.B. & T. Auckland /
M.B. & T. Auckland
Type B 91mm Mauri Brs & Thomson Ld /
Type B 92mm Mauri Brs & Thomson Ltd /
Auckland (different sized writing to above)
Type B 89mm Mauri Brs & Thomson Ltd /
Type D 86mm Midland Brewery / Palmerston
Type E 89mm Moffett & Co / Blank
Type C/g 87mm Monteith’s / West
Coast NZ.
Type A 84mm NZ Breweries LTD. / Auckland
Type B 89mm N.Z. Breweries LTD / N.Z.Breweries
Type D 87mm NZ Breweries LD / LionAle
Type A 93mm N.Z. Breweries LTD / Blank
Type B 88mm N.Z. Breweries LTD / blank
Type B 88mm N.Z. Breweries Ltd / ForFinest
Ale & Stout
Type C 91mm N.Z. Breweries LTD / blank
(but still has a recessed panel)
Type E 90mm N.Z. Breweries. LTD / Oat
Malt Stout
Type D 87mm Midland Brewery / Palmerston
Type E 99mm Phoenix A.W. CO. LTD / blank
Type E 91mm Powley & Co Ltd / Powley&
Co Ltd
Type C 87mm Powley & Co Ltd. / Powley&
Co Ltd.
Type F 91mm Quil Morris Ltd / Blank
Type A 92mm R.Garden / Timaru
Type B 88mm R.Powley & Co. / Speight’s***Ale
Type D 86mm Red Band Ale / Red Band Ale
Type D 87mm Reid’s Ale / Reid’s
Type E 90mm Reid’s Ale / Reid’s
Type E 78mm Reliance / same
Type B 85mm Reliance / same
Type E 98mm Rothmans Pall Mall / Pall
Mall Cigarettes
Type B 92mm Sunshine / The BestAle
Type B 83mm Thomsons / Thomsons
(Made in England on one side of head)
Type A 76mm Thomsons / Crown Opener
Type B 88mm Timaru Ale / TimaruStout
Type D 91mm Timaru Ale / Timaru Ale
Type D 90mm Timaru Ales / &Stout
Type C 89mm Trade XLO Mark / Westbury
Type D 87mm Tui / Ale & Stout
Type E 75mm Victoria Brewery / Blank
Type F 90mm -< >- Wai Wai Ltd. -< >-
/ -< >- Wai Wai Ltd. -< >-
Type B 85mm Wright & Co Ltd / Kodo
Drinks (made in England on head)
Type D 88mm Wright & CO / Christchurch