Below is openers that I have in cast iron some have pictures linked
Example : M & B is written on one side & Extra Stout is written on the other
Type C 84mm M &
B / Extra Stout
Type C 86mm M &
B / Export
Type A 101mm M &
B Ltd / same
Type A 102mm M &
B Ltd / same
Type J 80mm
M & B Ltd / same (stopper)
Type J 80mm
M & B Ltd / same (stopper) (type A style writing)
Type C 88mm M &
R / Mild
Type G 91mm M.B.
& T. Auckland / same
Type E 75mm M.C.D.
Milk / same
Type B 90mm M.L.B.
Lyon / same
Type D2 93mm M.M.
& Co / . Bolton.
Type F 77mm M.M.
& Co / Bolton
Type D2 79mm M.M.
& Co /. Bolton.
Type C 78mm Mac’s
Beer / same
Type C 99mm Mac
Ewans / Pumps
Type E 91mm > Mackays
> / Table Waters
Type G 91mm Mackeson
/ Stout
Type G 91mm Mackeson!
/ same
Type G 91mm Mackeson’s
/ Whitbread
Type C 84mm Mackie
& / Gladstone
Type C2 87mm Mackie
& Gladstone (Stouts & Ales on head)
Type E 98mm Mackie
& Gladstone / Barclays Lager
Type D 86mm Mackintosh
/ Plumstead
Type C 89mm Maclachlans
/ Castle Ales
Type E 90mm Made
From / Renishaw Iron
Type A 99mm Made
in Japan / Blank (this is shaped like a tennis racquet)
TypeA 96mm Made
in Japan / Blank (this is shaped like a tennis racquet)
Type B 84mm Mainzer
/ Aktien - Bier
Type A 92mm Malco
/ same
Type E 75mm Malton
/ Russells
Type E 90mm Manchester
/ City Dairies
Type E 90mm Mandora
/ Sunecta
Type C 85mm Manns
/ Watneys
Type C 85mm Manns
/ Manns
Type F 77mm Mansfield
/ - Ales -
Type G 91mm Mansfield
Ales / SAME
Type B 81mm Marceau
/ Source
Type E 91mm Marchants
/ - Sydney -
Type E 91mm Marchants
/ Melbourne
Type C 75mm Marchants
/ Please
Type F 91mm “ Marchants
“ Ltd / Blank
Type G 91mm Marchiennes
/ > Allies <
Type C 96mm Marrickville
/ Malleable Castings Ltd (from Sydney)
Type E 90mm Marston's
Ltd / > Burton <
Type A 91mm Martin
/ Nelson
Type C 76mm Martin
/ Nelson
Type E 99mm Martins
Goldleaf / Goldleaf Cigarettes
Type B 82mm Mass
Brew Co / Boston (#12 on tongue) (from USA)
Type B 82mm Mass
Brew Co / Boston (NO #12 on tongue) (from
Type C 85mm Masons
/ Super Jaff
Type F 92mm Matthew
Browns / . Nuttall’s .
Type F 90mm Matthew
Brown's / . Nuttall’s .
Type E 90mm Matthew
Brown's / - Nuttall's -
Type D 91mm Matthew Brown’s
/ . Nuttall’s .
Type B 91mm Mauri
Brs & Thomson Ld / Auckland
Type B 89mm Mauri
Brs & Thomson Ltd / Auckland
Type B 93mm Mauri
Brs & Thomson Ltd / Auckland (different sized writing
to above)
Type G 98mm x Marvel
x / same
Type C2 82mm “ M.B.
Fosters “ / “ Bugle Brand “
Type C2 86mm Mc
Ewans / Extra Stout
TypeC2 86mm Mc Ewans
/ Pale Ale
Type E 90mm .Mc
Ewans. / 8 Pale Ale 8
Type C 85mm McEwans
/ Export Ale
Type G 91mm - Mc
Ewans - / Ales & Stouts
Type E 76mm Mc Ewans
/ Strong Ale
Type E 76mm Mc Ewans
/ Export Ale
Type E 90mm - Mc
Ewans - / Strong Ale
Type E 90mm - Mc
Ewans - / Export Ale
Type E 90mm McMahons
/ same
Type F 91mm Meadowland
/ same
Type C/g 77mm Mecca
Ltd / same
Type C2 90mm Melb’e
Bitter / Blank
Type C 78mm Melbourne
/ . Bitter .
Type E 90mm Melbourne
Ale / same
Type C 98mm Melbourne
Ales / same
Type F 102mm Melbourne
Ales / same
Type C 75mm Mellow Brew
/ blank
Type C 86mm Mercers
/ Meat Stout
Type E 99mm - Mercers
- / Meat Stout
Type C 95mm Meux
/ same (LH / RH)
Type C 85mm Mew Langton
/ Ales Minerals
Type E 98mm Middlesbrough
/ Winterschladen
Type D 86mm Midland Brewery
/ Palmerston Nth
Type E 98mm Midland
Counties / > Dairy Ltd <
Type G 91mm Mission
/ Home Deliveries (Rd # on Mission side)
Type G 91mm Mission
/ Home Deliveries (Rd # on Home Deliveries side)
Type A 92mm Mitchells
& / Butlers Ltd
Type D2 86mm Mitchells
& / Butlers
Type E 107mm Mitchells
& Butlers / * Export Ale *
Type C 109mm
Mitchells & Butlers / > Extra Stout <
Type E 107mm Mitchells
& Butlers / > Extra Stout <
Type E 107mm Mitchells
& Butlers / “ Nourishing Stout “
Type C 109mm Mitchells
& Butlers / “ Nourishing Stout “
Type E 107mm Mitchells
& Butlers / > Allbright Ale <
Type C 109mm Mitchells
& Butlers / > Allbright Ale <
Type E 107mm Mitchells
& Butlers / > Family Ale <
Type C 106mm Mitchells
& Butlers / Export Ale
Type C 86mm Mitchells
& Butlers / Export Ale
Type C2 87mm Mitsuya Hirano
/ (Asian writing)
Type E 90mm Moeremans
/ 02 - 21. 19. 75.
Type E 89mm Moffett
& Co / Blank
Type A 156mm Moline
Promal / St. Charles, ILL
(2nd picture)
Type C 88mm Monopole
/ Spa
Type C 88mm Monopole
/ Spa (different panel shape to above)
Type C/g 87mm Monteith’s
/ West Coast NZ.
Type E 90mm > Moore’s
< / Softdrinks
Type G 91mm - Moores'
- Table Waters (has Rd.811274 on one side
& Pt. Appld. For on other side)
Type E 75mm Moorhouse
/ same
Type E 90mm Moorehouse
/ L'Pool & Bir'Head
Type E 99mm Moorhouse
Bros / same
Type G 91mm Morecambe
/ Direct Supply
Type E 90mm Morland
& Co. LTD. / Abingdon
Type A 92mm MoPar
/ same (bronze)
Type A 92mm MoPar
/ same (nickel over cast iron)
Type E 99mm Morgans
Norwich / same
Type E 91mm > Morgans
< / same
Type E Morland & Co. LTD.
/ Abingdon
Type G 91mm Most
Men / Like Marstons
All of the 4 Moxie openers below are different including head and shaft size
Type J 81mm
Moxie / same (bottle stopper) (from the USA)
Type J 70mm Moxie
/ same (bottle stopper) (from the USA)
Type J 77mm Moxie /
same (bottle opener) (from the USA)
Type J 71mm Moxie /
same (bottle opener) (from the USA)
Type J 71mm Moxie /
same (bottle opener) (from the USA) (as above but different
shaped head)
Type D2 90mm Mullens
& Co / Newcastle
Type G 91mm Murray's
Stout / Murray's Beer
Type C 86mm My Cellar
/ same
Type G 91mm Myer
Emporium / Melbourne (Rd # on Myer side)
Type G 91mm Myer
Emporium / Gadget Bar
Type G 91mm Myer
Emporium / Melbourne (Rd # on Melbourne side)
Type A 87mm Myrtle
St / Asher
Type E 90mm
N. Furnivals & Co. / - Fleckney -
Type C 81mm
> N.B.C. < / same
Type E 90mm
> N.B.C. < / same
Type B 89mm N.Z.
Breweries LTD / same
Type A 93mm N.Z.
Breweries LTD / Blank
Type A 84mm NZ Breweries
LTD. / Auckland
Type C 91mm N.Z.
Breweries Ltd / ( has recessed panel but no writing)
Type D 85mm NZ Breweries
LD / Lion Ale
Type B 88mm
N.Z. Breweries Ltd / For Finest Ale & Stout
Type E 90mm N.Z.
Breweries. LTD / Oat Malt Stout
Type E 90mm National
/ Sinalco
Type E 90mm Navy's
/ Meudon
Type G 91mm Navy's
/ Meudon
Tpye C/g 87mm Newcastle
/ Brown Ale (like type G)
Type C/g 85mm Newby
& Son / West Bromwich
Type C/g 86mm Newcastle
/ Amber Ale (crown shaped head)
Type C/g 86mm Newcastle
/ Blue Star Ales (crown shaped head)
Type F 92mm
Newcastle / Blue Star Ales
Type C 120mm New
Haven Dairy / Safe
Type B 80mm
Newman / Pittsburg
Type B 80mm
Newman / Pittsburg (different style writing)
Type E 98mm
New South Wales / Aerated Water Co.
Type E 99mm
Nile Breweries Ltd / King of Beer-Nile
Type B 93mm
O.B. Ales / O.B. Ales
Type C 117mm O
B Beer / (asian writing)
Type A 92mm
“ O. D. Murphy “ / same
Type E 89mm
“ O. D. Murphy “ / same
Type E 90mm
- Op - Ale - / De Smedt - Opwijk
Type G 91mm
- Op - Ale - / De Smedt - Opwijk
Type C2 94mm "Offilers'
Brewery" / Derby.
Type C2 91mm Ohlsson’s
Beers / same
Type E 90mm
Okell's Ales / same
Type D 89mm
Old King / same (from USA)
Type B 83mm Old
Imperial / blank
Type H 98mm
> opener < / same (from USA)
Type C 92mm Opens
– All / blank (has flat tail, no hole in tail, chunky tongue)
Type A 91mm P. Marsland
& Sons / Huddersfield
Type E 89mm Palatine
/ Dairies
Type E 89mm Palatine
Co Ltd / same
Type F 77mm Palmer
/ Cutler
TypeC 129mm
Palmyra / Meehanite
Type D2 87mm Panther
Pils / same
Type A 92mm Parker’s
/ Morecambe
Type B 83mm PAT
94 / blank (from the USA)
Type R 81mm PAT
27609 / 30 EC / blank
Type R 80mm PAT.App.
27609 / 30 / blank (resealer)
Type R 85mm PAT.
APP. 27609 / 30 / Blank (resealer)
Type C2 91mm Pegrams
/ Blank
Type C 94mm
Pennine / Chainbelt (Cheers on tongue & head Shape like
Type D 84mm * Pepsi
* / same (from India)
Type D 76mm
Pepsi – Cola / same
Type E 90mm
Pepsi – Cola / Yeo Hiap Seng
Type E 98mm
Pepsi – Cola / same
Type D2 76mm Perfection
/ same
Type G 91mm Perfect -
Pils / - Furst -
Type A 89mm Perkins
/ same
Type A 93mm Perrier
Water / Source Perrier (has round looped head)
Type F 90mm Perrier
Water / Source Perrier
Type B 91mm Perrier
Water / Source Perrier ( 3mm writing)
Type B 92mm Perrier
Water / Source Perrier ( 5mm writing)
Type A 85mm Perrier
/ same (bottle shaped handle)
Type C 118mm Peru
Foundry Company / blank
Type C2 93mm Peter
Walker & Sons / Lager
Type E 76mm
Phillips / same
Type E 91mm
> Phipps Ales < / same
Type C 91mm > Phipps
Ales < / same
Type E 99mm Phoenix
A.W.CO. Ltd / blank (from N.Z.)
Type E 98mm Phoenix
Waters / x Singapore x
Type G 91mm Piper
Export / Jubilee Stout
Type A 77mm Pinnicle
/ same
Type E 99mm Pitt
& Norrish / same
Type B 92mm Point
Beer / same (point is written in script) (from
the USA)
Type B 92mm Pointer
Beer / blank (pointer is written in script) (from the USA)
Type E 91mm Pollard’s
/ same
Type D 78mm Pop
/ Pop
Type D2 80mm Postillon
/ same
Type C 87mm Powley
& Co Ltd. / Same
Type E 91mm Powley
& Co Ltd / Same
Type E 91mm > Praeds
< / SAME
Type E 91mm > Praeds<
/ same (different shape head to above)
Type C 96mm Probyn’s
/ Argus Brand
Type E 89mm Premier
Mineral / Water Co. Ltd
Type D 80mm = Prince
= / Phenyle