I have been asked by alot of people about Milk Company names on cast
iron bottle openers.
So I have gone through my openers and found about 31 different types
and sizes.
I will be over the following weeks adding pictures for you to see,
but in the meantime all of them are listed below.
Type E 75mm B.C.S. Dairy | same |
Type E 90mm Buy Cheshire | Better Milk |
Type H 91mm Buy Cheshire | Better Milk |
Type E 99mm Buy Cheshire | Sterilized Milk |
Type E 89mm Cheshire Milk | Stassanized (rare shape) |
Type E 90mm Co – Operative | same |
Type E 90mm CO - OP Milk is Best | same |
Type H 90mm CO - OP Milk is Best | same |
Type F 77mm C.P. Milk | same |
Type E 98mm > Crown Cork < | Sterilised Milk Co |
Type I 94mm “Dacro” | . Opener . (registered numbers) |
Type I 95mm “Dacro” | > Opener < (registered numbers) |
Type I 97mm “Dacro” | > Opener < (has no tit on head) |
Type I 99mm “Dacro” | > Opener < (no registered numbers) |
Type I 94mm “Dacro” | -Opener - (registered numbers) |
Type H 90mm Dobsons Dairies | same |
Type I 97mm Harding’s | Dairies |
Type E 90mm L.H.D. Milk | same |
Type F 77mm L.H.D. Milk | same |
Type E 75mm M.C.D. Milk | same |
Type E 90mm Manchester | City Dairies |
Type F 91mm Meadowland | same |
Type E 98mm Midland Counties | > Dairy Ltd < |
Type G 91mm Morecambe | Direct Supply |
Type H 90mm Reece’s Milk | Reece’s Cream |
Type E 90mm Rose Brand | > Clean Milk < |
Type E 77mm Stapleton’s | Clean Milk |
Type E 91mm > Stapleton’s < | > Clean Milk < |
Type E 90mm > Stapletons < | > Clean Milk < (different shaped head) |
Type C 98mm Stockport Co – Op. | > Clean Milk < |
Type A 87mm The Crown Cork | Sterilized Milk |
Type H 92mm “ Three in One “ | same (no registered # ,has cap lifter instead) |
Type H 92mm “ Three in One “ | same (Rd 702661) |
Type H 92mm W.U.D. LTD | Moonraker (Rd 702661) |
Type E 99mm Walker & Wickens | Sterilized Milk |
Type E 98mm Walkers Dairies | > Liverpool < |
Type H 92mm Walkers Dairies | > Liverpool < |
Type E 90mm Palatine | Dairies |
Type C 120mm New Haven Dairy | Safe Milk |