I have had alot of people ask me what brands come from where, so I have
made up a couple of pages that I hopewillhelp you find where that particular
opener comes from. This page is for Englishopeners that I have in my collection.
Just Remember that I will always TRADE

If there is any thing that you would like a scanned picture of,PLEASE ASK !!!!

Type R 80mm 2 in 1 / Blank
Type E 90mm A Beer is a Carib  /  same
Type D2 89mm A.S. Watson & Co. Ltd  /   (asian writing)
Type C2 84mm A.W. C.O. Ltd  /  Direct Supply
Type D2 75mm A.W. C.O. Ltd  /  Direct Supply
Type F 75mm A.W. C.O. Ltd  /  Direct Supply    (round tail)
Type F 76mm A.W. C.O. Ltd  /  Direct Supply    (flared tail)
Type C2 87mm A.W.CO. Ltd  /  Direct Supply
Type F 78mm A.W.CO. Ltd  /  Direct Supply
Type G 91mm - Aerowata -  /  - Aerowata-
Type E 90mm Aerowata  /  same
Type C 88mm Aitchies  /  Ales
Type F 75mm Aitken’s  /  Beers
Type F 77mm Alabaster /  Muscado
Type E 89mm Aldridge & Co LTD  /  Ginger Beer
Type E 99mm Alf Bray Ashburton  /  blank
Type C 84mm Allsopp`s / Allsopp`s
Type C 87mm Allsopp`s / Allsopp`s
Type C 86mm Allsopp’s  /  Lager
Type B 88mm “ ALU “ Stopper  /  Crown Cork.
Type A 84mm  “ ALU “ Stopper  /   Crown Cork  (screwdriver like end)
Type C 85mm Ansells  /  same
Type C 87mm Ansells / The Better Beer
Type E 90mm  > Ansells  <  /  same
Type D 90mm Apollinaris  /  > Presta <
Type E 90mm Apollinaris / >Presta<
Type C 81mm Apollinaris  /  Crown opener  (has hooked end)
Type A 90mm Apollinaris  /  same  (left and right handed)
Type D 89mm Apollinaris / Apollinaris     (left handed and right handed)
Type B 88mm Apollinaris  / same
Type B 84mm Apollinaris  / same (right handed)
Type E 90mm Apollinaris  / same
Type G 91mm > Apollo < / > Apollo <
Type C2 86mm * Apollo *  /  Table Waters   (flat panel)
Type C 90mm 8  Apollo  8  /  Table Waters
Type C 82mm * Apollo * / Table Waters
Type D 90mm Aquarius / Shanghai
Type E 90mm Arkells Ales’ / Arkells Ales’
Type A 92mm Arnolds  /  same
Type E 90mm  -Arnolds -  /  - Lincoln-
Type E 89mm Arkells Ales / Same
Type D 90mm Arrol`s Stouts / Ales & Lager
Type D 93mm Ask for a  /  Wembley
Type G 91mm Ask for a  /  Wembley (RD on ask side)
Type G 91mm Ask for a  /  Wembley (RD on Wembley side)
Type E 90mm Ask for Viles  /  same
Type G 91mm Atkinsons  /  Gold Label
Type G 91mm Atkinsons / Punch Stout
Type G 91mm Atkinson’s  /  Atkinson’s
Type D 78mm Atlas  /  Atlas
Type C 90mm Austin Craven  /  Manchester
Type E 75mm B.C.S. Dairy / same
Type A 80mm  B.Y.B.  /  Woddlesford
Tpye G 91mm -B.Y.B.-  /  same
Type D2 81mm Baby Bulldogs / same
Type E 78mm Barclays / Lager
Type G 91mm -Barclay’s-  /  -Barclay’s-
Type E 90mm -Barclays- / London Lager
Type D 91mm Barnett & Foster / x London x
Type F 91mm Barnett & Foster / x London x
Type F 87mm Barnett & Foster / x London x
Type G 91mm Barnsley Bry  /  Oakwell
Type G 91mm   Bass   /   Bass
Type A 82mm Bass Ale  /  Red Label     (looped head)
Type C2 83mm "Beaver  /  Brand"
Type E 91mm Bellamy’s  /  same
Type G 91mm Benshaws  /  Softdrinks
Type C 85mm Benskin’s  /  Watford
Type G 91mm > Benskins <  /  same
Type C 87mm Bernards  /  Beer
Type D 76mm Bentleys / Rotherham
Type C 85mm Beverleys / Gold Medal Ales
Type B 92mm B & F  /  London    (left handed)
Type G 91mm Birkenhead / Brewery
Type E 78mm - Boocock’s -  /  - Minerals -
Type G 91mm Boocock’s  /  Minerals
Type C 85mm Border / Drink & Enjoy
Type E 90mm Border / Drink & Enjoy
Type E 90mm -Border- / Table Waters
Type E 75mm Branfords / Butt Hinges
Type E 90mm Brentford  /  - York -
Type C 89mm Brewmaster / same
Type E 90mm Brickwoods / Beer is Best
Type E 90mm - Brickwoods -  /  - Sunshine-
Type C 88mm Britannia  /  Mineral Waters
Type E 90mm < Britannia >  /  Softdrinks
Type E 89mm < Britannia >    /  < Britannia >
Type E 76mm British Made / Same   (1 Nickel & 1 Not)
Type C 97mm Brooke & Prudencio / Minerals Waters
Type E 99mm Brooke & Prudencio / Minerals Waters
Type E 90mm - Browns -  /  - Browns -
Type C/g 76mm Bullards / same
Type C 73mm Bullards / same
Type E 90mm Bulmers Cider / same
Type G 91mm Bulmers Cider / same
Type E 89mm > Burgess <  /  Minerals
Type C 85mm Burgess  /  Minerals
Type E 91mm - Burgess - /  - Luton -  (wider shaped head)
Type E 76mm Burgess  /  Minerals
Type C 85mm Burrows & Sturgess / B&S Group
Type E 99mm Burtonwood  /  x Ales x
Type C 98mm Burtonwood Ale /  Burtonwood Stout
Type C2 85mm Butlers  /  W-Hampton
Type G 91mm Bury Brewery / George Street
Type E 90mm Bury Brewery / George Street
Type E 90mm Bury Brewery / George Street  (different shaped head)
Type E 90mm Buy Cheshire / Better Milk
Type H 91mm Buy Cheshire / Better Milk
Type E 99mm Buy Cheshire / Sterilized Milk
Type E 75mm C & C / Softdrinks
Type D 82mm C. & C.  Ginger Ale /  C.& C. Club Soda
Type B 89mm C & E  / Ale & Stout
Type C2 86mm C & E  /  Ale & Stout
Type C 87mm Calder’s  /  Milk Stout
Type A 85mm Calders / Milk Stout
Type A 87mm Caleys / Table Waters   (tail is shaped like screwdriver)
Type E 78mm Cameron LTD  /  same
Type C 85mm “ Cameron “ / “ Strong Arm “
Type A 77mm Camwal  / same
Type C2 93mm “ Camwal “  /  “ Table Waters”
Type C 85mm Camwal  /  same
Type E 89mm Canada Dry  /  same
Type F 75mm Cantrell’s / Ginger Ale   (flaredtail)
Type D2 86mm Cantrells / Ginger Ale
Type F 76mm Cantrells / Ginger Ales
Type E 75mm Carlsberg / same
Type G 91mm Carlsberg / same
Type E 90mm Carr’s Ciders  /  Yacht Minerals
Type G 91mm Carters Sawley  /  Softdrinks  (Rd on Carters side)
Type C 86mm Castle Pale Ale  /  same
Type C 96mm Cat’s Paw / Opener     Rd 789302
Type E 75mm Cavalier  /  same
Type A 94mm Challis & Allen  /  Leicester
Type C 87mm Chapmans  /  Table Waters Ltd
Type E 90mm Charles & Diana  /  29thJuly 1981.
Type C 86mm Charles Wells  /  Bedford Ales
Type E 76mm Charrington / Bass
Type G 91mm Charrington / Charrington
Type E 90mm Charrington / Charrington
Type E 91mm Charrington / Charrington (diff. headshape to above)
Type C 85mm Charrington / Toby Ale
Type C 87mm Charringtons / Toby Ale
Type E 90mm > Chelt <  /  same
Type E 89mm Cheshire Milk / Stassanized
Type E 90mm Churchill London  /  Tel. 01-486 5800
Type E 99mm Cirencester Bry Ltd  /  blank
Type E 90mm Cisk Lager / Farsons Ales
Type E 90mm Cisk Lager / Hopleaf Pale Ale
Type E 99mm Claytons / Fruit Squashes
Type E 75mm Club Orange  /  same
Type E 76mm Club Lemon  /  Club Lemon
Type C 85mm Clubs  /  Brewery
Type C 85mm Clubs Brewery / Clubs Six
Type D 87mm  Cobbold & Co LTD  / Ipswich
Type G 91mm Coca Cola  /  same
Type E 90mm Coca – Cola  /  same
Type E 90mm Co – operative  /  same
Type E 90mm CO – OP Milk is Best  /  same
Type H 90mm CO - OP Milk is Best / same
Type E 90mm Coracle  /  Opener
Type G 91mm Cornbrook  /  Cornbrook
Type E 90mm - Corona - / Family Drinks
Type F 91mm -Corona- / Family Drinks
Type C 85mm Corona  /  Fruit Drinks
Type J 78mm Courage / Courage  (I have 2 typesthey have different styles of letters.
Type F 77mm C.P. Milk  /  same
Type E 98mm > Crown Cork <  /  Sterilised Milk Co
Type D 88mm Crown Cork  /  British Made
Type G 76mm Crown Opener / W    ( onlya letter W only)
Type B 75mm D.M.W.S Ltd /  blank
Type C 86mm D.M.W.S Ltd  /  Acton. W. 3
Type I 94mm “Dacro” / . Opener .
Type I 95mm “Dacro” / > Opener <  (has titon head)
Type I 97mm “Dacro” / > Opener <  (has notit on head)
Type I 99mm “Dacro” / > Opener <     (no Rd numbers)
Type I 94mm “Dacro” / -Opener -
Type C 87mm Dark Tolly  /  Light Tolly
Type A 92mm Darlington  /  Bottling Co.
Type C 85mm Daws / Table Waters
Type H 90mm Dobsons Dairies / same
Type C2 97mm Dog’s Head Brand / Bass’s Austral Ale    (round head)
Type C 88mm Dogs Head Guinness / Dogs Head Bass
Type C 91mm Dogs Head Guinness / Dogs Head Bass
Type C 97mm Dogs Head Guinness / Dogs Head Bass
Type C2 94mm Dogs Head Guinness / Dogs Head Bass
Type C2 97mm Dogs Head Guinness / Dogs Head Bass  (looped head)
Type A 98mm Dogs Head Guinness / Dogs Head Bass   (3mm writing)
Type A 98mm Dogs Head Guinness / Dogs Head Bass   (5mm writing)
Type A 99mm Dogs Head Guinness / Dogs Head Bass   (dogs head bass writing very crude)
Type A 93mm Doncaster / Heath & Smith
Type C 85mm Double Maxim / Vaux
Type A 92mm “Double – N.”  /  same
Type E 78mm Douglas  /  Downward’s
Type E 99mm Drink  Pepsi – Cola  / same
Type E 90mm Drink Straker’s  /  Table Waters
Type E 89mm “ Drink  Tizer ”  /  same
Type F 75mm Drink  “ Tizer ”  /  sam
Type F 91mm Drink  “ Tizer ”  /  same
Type G 91mm Drink Vimto / same
Type E 90mm Drink Vimto / same
Type D 77mm Drink Wisp / Pick Up
Type C 81mm Drybrough’s / Export
Type G 91mm Drybrough’s  /  Burns, Strong Ale
Type C2 90mm D Thwaites & Co Ltd  / Table Waters
Type E 99mm Duddingston Ales / R. Deuchar Ltd
Type C 103mm Dunlop & Ranken Leeds  / Steel for all trades  (wide handle & has can peircer on tail)
Type E 90mm Dwan-Thurles  /  same
Type F 91mm E. Painter & Sons  /  Sutton on Sea
Type E 89mm East Anglian / Breweries LTD
Type E 90mm East Anglian / - Morgans -
Type C3 74mm Elliots / Dry Ginger      1845 on head
Type C3 72mm Elliots / Dry Ginger      1845 on head
Type C 91mm >Ellis’s<  /  > Ruthin <
Type E 90mm >Ellis’s<  /  > Ruthin <
Type A 85mm Ellis’s  /  Ruthin
Type G 91mm Everards Ltd  /  Leicester
Type E 89mm Express Dairy  /  same
Type E 90mm F.J. Thornton  /  Wolverhampton
Type E 90mm F.J. Thornton  /  The Viking
Type C 87mm F.Robinsons / Ales
Type G 91mm F.Robinsons / -Ales-
Type E 88mm >Falkirk< / >Aitken<
Type G 91mm Farsons Ales / Cisk Lager
Type G 91mm Farsons Ales / Cisk Pilsner
Type G 91mm Farsons Ales / Cisk Pilsner (same as above but lettering bigger & spaced wider apart)
Type D 88mm “Farsons” Beers / same
Type C 129mm Ferry (Regd) / Henry Wiggin & CoLtd Birmingham (all written on one side)(handle bows out to 2 sides, veryunusual)
Type D2 86mm Flower  /  Stratford-Avon
Type C 87mm Flowers / Sable Stout
Type C 87mm Flowers Ales  /  same
Type D 75mm Fowlers  /  Strong Ale
Type C 85mm Fremlins Ales  /  same
Type A 89mm Friary Ale  /  Friary Stout
Type A 93mm   FriaryAle  /  Friary Stout
Type E 90mm Friary Ale  /  Friary Stout
Type C 87mm Friary Ale  /  Friary Stout
Type C 97mm Friary Ale  /  Friary Stout
Type C 90mm Friary Ale  /  Friary Stout
Type E 89mm Friary Ales  /  Meux Stout
Type A 85mm Fulham Crown  /  Cork Works
Type A 86mm Fulham Crown  /   CorkWorks Ltd
Type E 75mm Fullers Beers  /  same
Type E 75mm Furnivals  /  same
Type B 83mm Fussells Rode / Ales & Stouts
Type F 77mm G. & W. Ales  /  Salford
Type E 90mm G.H. Elliot  /  Table Waters
Type C 87mm Gartsides / Brewery
Type C 86mm Gaymers / Cyder
Type C/g 87mm Gaymers / Cyder   (crown shaped head)
Type A 89mm Gaymers Cyder  /  same (different shaped to below)
Type A 87mm Gaymer’s Cyder  /  same
Type E 90mm George Younger’s / - Alloa Ales -
Type E 90mm George Youngers / Alloa Ales
Type E 99mm George Younger’s  /  - Alloa Ales -
Type D 86mm Georges  /  Glucose Stout
Type A 87mm Georges Bristol / Blank
Type A 91mm Georges Bristol / Blank
Type G 91mm Gibbs Mew  /  same
Type E 90mm . Gilbey. /. Gilbey.  (has roundpanel)
Type E 90mm . Gilbey. /. Gilbey.  (has squarepanel)
Type E 90mm Gilmours’  /  Sheffield
Type E 77mm Gledhills  /  same
Type G 91mm Gold Label  /  same
Type A 85mm Golden Hawk  /  Mair & Dougall Ltd
Type E 90mm Goldwell  /  Apple Juice
Type E 90mm Goldwell  /  Baby Bubbly Size
Type E 90mm Gould Hibberd  /  & RandallLTD
Type C 86mm Gould Hibberd  /  & RandallLTD.
Type C 85mm Green & Wright Ltd  /  WineMerchants
Type E 90mm Greenall Whitley  /  Good CheerBeer
Type G 91mm Greenall’s  /  Ales & Stout (Rd on Greenall’s side)
Type G 91mm Greenall’s  /  Ales & Stout (Rd on Ales & Stout side)
Type G 91mm Greene King / Fine Ales
Type G 91mm Grenall Whitley / Always Good Beer
Type C 85mm Grenall Whitley / Always Good Beer
Type E 90mm Grenall Whitley / Always Good Beer
Type E 90mm Grenall’s / Ales & Stout
Type C3 92mm Groves & / Whitnall
Type A 93mm Groves &  /  Whitnall LTD
Type C2 89mm Guinness / Burke’s
Type D 77mm Guinness / Burkes
Type D 74mm Guinness / Burkes
Type A 77mm Guinness  /  Burkes
Type C2 81mm “ Guinness “  /  “ Ross’s “
Type D 88mm Guinness / same
Type E 102mm Guinness for Strength  /  same
Type D 87mm Guinness / same
Type C3 91mm Guinness is Good For You / same   (G.A.122  on one side only)
Type C3 91mm Guinness is Good For You / same   (G.A.122 on one side of head & Rd 702661 on other)
Type J 99mm Guinness Stout / Bugle Brand (bugle shaped head with  Fosters written on itBugle faces left on Bugle Brand side)
Type J 98mm Guinness Stout / Bugle Brand (bugle shaped head with  Fosters written on itBugle faces right on Bugle Brand side)
Type J 91mm Guinness Stout / Bugle Brand (bugle shaped head with  Fosters written on itBugle faces right on Guinness Stoutside)
Type D 90mm Guinness Stout / Bulldog Brand
Type F 90mm Guinness Stout / Bulldog Brand
Type E 72mm Guinness  /  Stout  (bottle shaped handle)
Type F 91mm Guinness Stout / same
Type E 90mm Guinness Stout / same   (writing is 41mm in length)
Type E 90mm Guinness Stout / same   (writing is 44mm in length)
Type D 86mm Guinness Stout  /  same
Type E 90mm < Guinness> / same
Type E 90mm < Guinness> / same   (different head shape to one above)
Type C2 92mm Guinness’ / Burke’s
Type C2 93mm “Guinness’s” / “Compass Brand”
Type C2 84mm “Guinness” / “Marco Mono”
Type C2 96mm Guinness’s Stout.  /  Dog’s Head Brand.
Type D2 88mm Guinness’ / Burke’s   (biggerwriting & handle 7mm wide)
Type D2 87mm Guinness’ / Burke’s   (differentshape head & writing)
Type D2 88mm Guinness’ / Burke’s   (handle5mm wide)
Type E 98mm 8 Gurden Ltd 8 / Wathes ,Cattel
Type C 90mm Guys (B’Ham) Ltd / Bottlers
Type E 90mm Guys (B’Ham) Ltd  /  same
Type C  91mm  Guys (BHam) Ltd  /  same
Type E 90mm >H.B. Co. LTD < / same
Type G 91mm H&G. Simonds Ltd / > Reading <  (Rd is on H & G side)
Type G 91mm H&G. Simonds Ltd / > Reading <  (Rd is on Reading side)
Type G 88mm H&G. Simonds Ltd / > Reading <
Type C 85mm H. & G. Simonds Ltd / > Reading <
Type D 88mm H&G. SimondsLtd / Reading
Type D 92mm H&G. SimondsLtd / Reading
Type D 91mm H&G. SimondsLtd / Reading    All 3 above are different
Type A 87mm H.S. Obra & Sons / New Dehli
Type D 75mm Hammerton / Hammerton
Type G 91mm Hammonds / same
Type G 91mm Hammonds  /  Export Unity
Type G 91mm Hammonds  /  Guards Ale
Type G 91mm Hammonds Unity /  Guards Ale
Type G 91mm Hammonds Unity / same
Type C 87mm Hancocks / Five Five
Type D 73mm Hancock’s / Nut Brown
Type E 90mm Hanson’s  /  Special Stout
Type E 97mm Harding’s  / Dairies
Type G 91mm Harp Lager  /  same
Type C 85mm Hawkshaw’s / Table Waters
Type G 91mm Hay’s Lemonade / same
Type C 86mm H.D. Rawlings LTD.  /  same
Type A 93mm Heath & Smith  /  Doncaster
Type F 81mm Henley Brewery  /  Same
Type C 87mm Henley Brewery  /  same
Type A 85mm Hero Perl  /  Hero Breda
Type C 85mm Hewitts Ales / Hewitts Ales
Type E 76mm Hewitts  /  same
Type C 97mm Hickmans & Mould / same
Type E 91mm .> Hills <.  /  Table Waters
Type D 89mm Hindle’s  /  Aerated Waters
Type F 92mm Hodgson & Downs / Blank
Type G 91mm Home Ales / same
Type A 86mm Home Bry Co.  /  Daybrook
Type E 89mm Hooper Struve / same
Type C 85mm Hooper  /  Struve
Type E 90mm X  Hull  X  /  Rawdon’s
Type G 91mm Hull Brewery / >Ales<
Type C 86mm Hull Brewery / Ales
Type C/g 87mm Hull Brewery Ales / same  (crown shaped head)
Type F 101mm Hunter & Oliver Ltd  / same
Type E 90mm Huntsmans Ales / E.P. & Co Ltd
Type D 86mm Huntsmans Ales / E.P.& Co. Ltd.
Type C 86mm Hydrox  /  same
Type C 84mm Idris / same
Type C 86mm Idris / same
Type A 90mm Idris  / Idris
Type D 90mm Ilseworth Ales  /  same
Type A 89mm Isleworth Ales  /  same
Type G 91mm Imperial Ale / same
Type A 83mm Imperial  /  Cork Seal
Type A 81mm Imperial  /  Cork Seal (different sized writing)
Type B 75mm Ind Coope / Blank
Type C 87mm Ind Coope / Skol
Type C 88mm Ind Coope’s / Double Diamond
Type C2 94mm “Ind Coope & Cos” / “Red Label Brand”
Type C 86mm IND coope’s / Double Diamond   (nickel plated)
Type C 87mm Inman’s  /  Ginger Ale
Type C 86mm  Inman’s  /  Grape Fruit
Type B 80mm Invicta / same
Type B 86mm Invicta / same
Type E 90mm Ironbridge 3784 / Antique Centre
Type C 97mm Ironbridge  /  blank     (head is shaped like a bridge)
Type E 99mm J.Mills & Sons Ltd / Mineral Waters
Type G 91mm -Jacobs- / -Lager-
Type E 90mm Jeffrey’s Beer / same
Type A 85mm Jewsbury / & Brown
Type B 85mm Jewsbury / & Brown
Type C 90mm 8 Jewsbury 8 / & Brown.
Type C 91mm   Jewsbury &  /  Brown (different sized panels either side)
Type E 91mm   8 Jewsbury 8 / & Brown. (wider head)
Type E 91mm 8 Jewsbury 8 / & Brown. (normal head)
Type E 76mm Jewsbury  /  & Brown LTD
Type E 91mm x J & B x / Table Waters
Type G 91mm John Courage / Barclay Stout
Type G 91mm John Courage / same
Type G 91mm John Courage / Take Courage
Type C 93mm John Smith’s / Magnet Ales
Type D 86mm John Smith’s / Magnet Ales
Type G 91mm John Smith’s / Magnet Ales
Type C 86mm John Smith’s / Magnet Ales   (crown shaped head)
Type D 87mm John Smith’s / Magnet Ales   (different writing to above)
Type E 90mm John Smith’s  /  Magnet Ales
Type A 91mm John W. Hole  /  Coventry
Type B 92mm Kato Beers  /  Blank
Type E 90mm Kent’s Best / - Opener -
Type E 76mm L.M.B. Co Ltd / Leicester
Type D2 88mm La Meuse / Bieres Fines
Type E 88mm Lacons / same
Type G 91mm > Lacons <  /  same
Type C 90mm > Lacons <  /  same
Type C 77mm Lacons  /  same
Type A 90mm Lacons  /  same
Type A 93mm Lacons  /  same
Type E 90mm Lamb Brewery  /  > Frome <
Type C 89mm Lamb Brewery  /  Frome
Type E 98mm Lamot  /  same
Type A 92mm Lant & Co  /  Coventry
Type E 75mm Lants /  same
Type C 88mm  > Lants <  /  Coventry
Type A 80mm Lawson’s  /  Bottling
Type B 79mm Leney’s . Dover / Blank
Type A 76mm Leneys Dover  /  Gold Top Ale
Type E 90mm L.H.D. Milk  /  same
Type E 90mm L.H.D. Milk  /  same  (different shaped head)
Type F 77mm L.H.D. Milk  /  same
Type C2 91mm Lion Beer  /  same
Type E 91mm Little Chelt / same
Type E 108mm Livingstone M.W. Works / same
Type E 90mm London / Inn on the Park
Type E 98mm > Lowcock Ltd < / Middlesbrough
Type E 90mm London Hilton  /  London Hilton
Type E   99mm Lowe. Son & Cobbold /  - Audit Ale -
Type F 77mm  Lupton  /  same
Type E 90mm Lupton’s / Ale & Stout
Type F 92mm Lyle’s Lemonade  /  same
Type C 84mm M & B / Extra Stout
Type A 101mm M & B Ltd  /  same
Type A 102mm M & B Ltd  /  same
Type  J 80mm M & B Ltd / same  (stopper) (type C writing)
Type J 80mm M & B Ltd / same   (stopper) (type A writing)
Type C 86mm M & B  /  Export
Type C 88mm M & R / Mild
Type E 75mm M.C.D. Milk / same
Type B 90mm M.L.B. Lyon / same
Type D2 93mm M.M. & Co / . Bolton.
Type F 77mm M.M. & Co / Bolton
Type D2 79mm M.M. & Co /. Bolton.
Type E 91mm > Mackays > / Table Waters
Type G 91mm Mackeson / Stout
Type G 91mm Mackeson! / same
Type G 91mm Mackeson’s / Whitbread
Type C 84mm Mackie & / Gladstone
Type C2 87mm Mackie & Gladstone   (Stouts & Ales on head)
Type E 98mm Mackie & Gladstone / Barclays Lager
Type D 87mm Mackintosh  /  Plumstead
Type C 89mm Maclachlans  /  Castle Ales
Type E 90mm Made From  /  Renishaw Iron
Type E 98mm >  Maes  <  / Waarloos
Type E 75mm Malton  /  Russells
Type E 90mm Manchester / City Dairies
Type E 90mm Mandora  /  Sunecta
Type C 85mm Manns / Watneys
Type C 85mm Manns / Manns
Type F 77mm Mansfield  /  - Ales -
Type G 91mm Mansfield Ales  /  same
Type E 90mm  Marstons Ltd  /  > Burton <
Type A 91mm Martin  /   Nelson
Type C 76mm Martin  /  Nelson
Type C 85mm Masons  /  Super Jaff
Type F 92mm Matthew Browns  /  .  Nuttall’s  .
Type F 90mm   Matthew Brown's  / . Nuttall’s .
Type E 90mm Matthew Brown’s  /  - Nuttall’s -
Type D 90mm Matthew Browns  /  .  Nuttall’s  .
Type C2 82mm “ M.B. Fosters “  /  “ BugleBrand “
Type E 90mm . Mc Ewans.  /  8 Pale Ale 8
Type C2 86mm Mc Ewans  /  Extra Stout
TypeC2 86mm Mc Ewans  /  Pale Ale
Type G 91mm - Mc Ewans - / Ales & Stouts
Type E 90mm - Mc Ewan’s -  /  Export Ale
Type E 90mm - Mc Ewans - / Strong Ale
Type E 76mm Mc Ewans  /  Strong Ale
Type E 76mm McEwans  /  Export Ale
Type C 85mm McEwans / Export Ale
Type F 91mm Meadowland  /  same
Type C/g 77mm Mecca  LTD  /  MeccaLTD
Type E 90mm Melbourne Ale  /  same
Type C 98mm Melbourne Ales / same
Type F 102mm Melbourne Ales / same
Type E 99mm - Mercers - / Meat Stout
Type C 86mm Mercers / Meat Stout
Type C 95mm Meux  /  Meux  (LH / RH)
Type C 85mm Mew Langton  /  Ales  Minerals
Type E 98mm Middlesbrough  /  Winterschladen
Type E 98mm Midland Counties / > Dairy Ltd <
Type A 92mm Mitchells & /  Butlers Ltd
Type D2 86mm Mitchells & / Butlers
Type E 107mm Mitchells & Butlers /  * ExportAle *
Type C 109mm Mitchells & Butlers /  > Extra Stout <
Type E 107mm Mitchells & Butlers  / > Extra Stout <
Type E 107mm Mitchells & Butlers / “ Nourishing Stout “
Type C 109mm Mitchells & Butlers / “ Nourishing Stout “
Type E 107mm Mitchells & Butlers / > AllbrightAle <
Type C 109mm Mitchells & Butlers / > AllbrightAle <
Type E 107mm Mitchells & Butlers / > Family Ale <
Type C 106mm Mitchells & Butlers / Export Ale
Type C 86mm Mitchells & Butlers / Export Ale
Type E 89mm Moffett & Co  /  Blank
Type C 88mm Monopole / Spa   (differentpanel shape to below)
Type C 88mm Monopole / Spa  (different panelshape to above)
Type E 99mm Moorhouse Bros  /  same
Type E 75mm Moorehouse  /  same
Type E 90mm Moorehouse  /  L’Pool & Bir’Head
Type E 90mm > Moore’s < / Softdrinks
Type G 91mm - Moores’ -  /  Table Waters  (has Rd. 811274 on one side & Pat.Appld. For on other)
Type E 99mm Morgans Norwich / same
Type E 91mm > Morgans <  /  same
Type E 90mm Morland & Co. LTD.  / Abingdon
Type G 91mm Most Men / Like Marstons
Type G 91mm Murray’s Beer  /  Murray’s Stout
Type C 86mm My Cellar  /  same
Type A 87mm Myrtle St / Asher
Type C 81mm > N.B.C. < / same
Type E 90mm   > N.B.C. <  /  same
Type E 90mm N. Furnival & Co.  /  -Fleckney -
Type C/g 87mm Newcastle  /  Brown Ale   (like type G)
Type C/g 86mm Newcastle / Amber Ale   (crown shaped head)
Type F 92mm Newcastle / Blue Star Ales
Type C/g 86mm Newcastle / Blue Star Ales  (crown  shaped head)
Type B 93mm O.B. Ales / O.B. Ales
Type A 92mm “ O. D. Murphy “ / same
Type E 89mm “ O. D. Murphy “ / same
Type C2 94mm “Offilers’ Brewery”   / Derby.
Type C2 91mm Ohlsson’s Beers / same
Type E 90mm Okell’s Ales  /  same
Type H 98mm > opener <  /  same
Type A 91mm P. Marsland & Sons / Huddersfield
Type E 90mm Palatine  /  Dairies
Type E 89mm Palatine Co Ltd  / same
Type F 77mm Palmer / Cutler
Type A 92mm Parker’s  /  Morecambe
Type A 83mm PAT 94  /  blank
Type R 81mm PAT 27609 / 30  EC / Blank
Type R 85mm . PAT. APP. 27609 / 30 / Blank
Type C2 91mm Pegrams / Blank
Type C 94mm Pennine / Chainbelt   (Cheerson tongue & head Shape like slingshot)
Type E 98mm Pepsi – Cola / same
Type D 76mm Pepsi – Cola  /  same
Type D2 76mm Perfection / same
Type F 90mm Perrier Water / Source Perrier
Type A 93mm Perrier Water / Source Perrier  (haslooped head)
Type B 91mm Perrier Water / Source Perrier   ( 3mm writing)
Type B 92mm Perrier Water / Source Perrier   ( 5mm writing)
Type A 85mm Perrier  /  same  (bottleshaped handle)
Type C2 93mm Peter Walker & Sons / Lager
Type E 76mm Phillips  /  same
Type E 91mm > Phipps Ales < / same
Type C 92mm > Phipps Ales < / same
Type G 91mm Piper Export  /  Jubilee Stout
Type E 99mm Pitt & Norrish  /  same
Type E 91mm Pollard’s / same
Type D 78mm Pop  /  Pop
Type E 91mm > Praeds < / same
Type E 91mm > Praeds< / same   (different shape head to above)
Type E 89mm Premier Mineral  /  Water Co.Ltd
Type D 80mm = Prince = / Phenyle
Type C 96mm Probyn’s  /  Argus Brand
Type A 89mm R & B Ltd / Phosferrade
Type C 84mm R & B Ltd / Phosferrade
Type E 90mm R. Deuchar Ltd / . Newcastle .
Type E 90mm R. White’s  /  Table Waters
Type B 74mm R. White Reg  /  Valento
Type A 88mm R. White Reg’d  /  Dry Ginger Ale
Type B 74mm R. White Reg  /  Zoedone
Type A 92mm R.White & Sons  /  Dry Ginger Ale
Type C 90mm   <8> Rosss < 8 > / . Ginger Ale.
Type B 93mm R.C. Allen Ltd  /  same (small writing)
Type B 92mm R.C. Allen Ltd  /  same (bigwriting)
Type A 92mm “R.C. Allen. LTD.”  /  same(small letters)
Type A 92mm R.C. Allen. Ltd.  /  same
Type F 77mm R.C. Allen Ltd  /  same
Type E 90mm R.L. Jones & Co Ltd  / > Mansfield <
Type C 86mm R.L. Jones & Co Ltd  / Mansfield
Type C 86mm R.L. Jones & Co Ltd  / Sunecta
Type E 98mm R.L. Jones & Co Ltd   /  > Mansfield <
Type E 76mm Ralph Bell  /  Minerals
Type E 90mm Ralph Bell  /  same
Type A 87mm Rankins / Crown Corks
Type A 77mm Rankins / Crown Corks   (different size writing to above)
Type E 78mm Redgate / Ginger Ale  (flared tail)
Type E 76mm Redgate / Ginger Ale  (roundroundtail)
Type E 75mm Redgate / Soft Drinks  (flared tail)
Type E 76mm Redgate  /  Table Waters
Type E  90mm > Redgates <  /  .Ginger – Ale .
Type E 90mm  Red Tower  /  - Lager-
Type H 90mm Reece’s Milk / Reece’s Cream
Type G 91mm Reeves / Fruit Drinks
Type F 90mm >  Reid’s  <  /  Special Stout (different shaped F to below)
Type F 90mm >  Reid’s  <  /  Special Stout
Type F 90mm . > R e i d s < . / Special Stout   (letters in Reids are spaced out)
Type E 78mm Reliance / same
Type E 90mm 8 Robson 8 / Sunderland
Type E 90mm Rosebrand / > Clean Milk <
Type E 90mm < 8 > Ross’s < 8 > / . Ginger –Ale.
Type G 91mm Routs Cider  /  same
Type E 99mm R.P. Culley & Co LTD  / same
Type E 99mm S.K. Williams Ltd / The Clock House
Type E 92mm >St. Ronan’s<  /  >St. Ronan’s<
Type C2 85mm Salutaris / same
Type C2 89mm Salutaris / same  (different type of lettering)
Type A 76mm Samson /  Seals
Type D 76mm Samuel Smith  /  Taddy
Type E 90mm Samuel Smith / > Taddy <
Type F 102mm Say Barry’s Please  /  same
Type C 85mm Say Probyn’s for Preference  /  blank  (rare spinner type)
Type A 91mm Schweppes  /  blank
Type C 90mm Schweppes  /  same
Type E 99mm > Schweppes < / same
Type E 90mm > Schweppes < / same   (36mm wide head)
Type E 90mm > Schweppes < / same   (39mm wide head)
Type F 95mm > Schweppes < / same   (pushed in head)
Type A 93mm Schweppes  /  blank  (fancier writing than the other one)
Type A 90mm Schweppes  /  same  (different style of writing to the others)
Type C2 85mm Schweppes / same
Type C 87mm Schweppes / same
Type A 85mm Schweppes / same   (flat screwdriver like tail)
Type E 89mm Schweppes / same   (nickel plated)
Type E 99mm Schweppes  /  same
Type E 75mm Schweppes / same   (nickel plated)
Type E 78mm Seed’s  /  Preston
Type A 84mm “ Serrane 113 “ / Merceria Arture Prat
Type E 75mm Seven – Up / same
Type F 81mm Severn & Co Ltd.  /  Nottingham
Type E 81mm Severn & Co LTD.  /  Nottingham
Type E 90mm Severn Valley / Railway
Type C 87mm Seymours / Sherbourne
Type E 90mm Shellmatic  /  Schenectady
Type E 90mm Shipstone / same
Type C 85mm Shipstone  / same
Type E 98mm > Shire Ale <  /  Standard Stout
Type B 85mm Shrimp Brand  /  Ale & Stout
Type E 75mm Silver Spring  /  same
Type D 90mm Slack & Cox / same
Type A 92mm Slacks  /  Minerals
Type A 88mm Slacks / Mineral  Waters
Type B 80mm Slacks / Mineral  Waters
Type A 92mm Smith Garrett’s  /  Prize Beers
Type A 87mm Snowdrop  /  Snowdrop
Type D 84mm - Spa -  /  same
Type E 78mm - Spa -  /  Table Waters
Type E 98mm South West ‘n  M.W.  /  - Bournemouth -
Type E  98mm South Western  /  - Bournemouth -
TypeE 90mm - Spenso -  /  same
Type D 88mm Spontin  /  same
Type E 90mm St. Anne’s Well  /  Ales & Stout
Type E 90mm Stanford & Co  /  Portslade
Type E 77mm Stapleton’s / Clean Milk
Type E 91mm > Stapleton’s <  /  > CleanMilk <
Type E 90mm > Stapletons <  /  > Clean Milk <   (different shaped head)
Type A 88mm Starkey’s / “ Prize Ales “
Type G 91mm - Starkey's -  /  "Prize Ales"
Type C 85mm Steward &  /  Patteson Ltd
Type E 89mm Steward & /  Patteson Ltd
Type E 89mm Steward & / Patteson  Ltd
Type C 98mm Stockport Co – Op. / > Clean Milk <
Type G 91mm Stone Stout / Bent’s Ales   (Rd # one side & Pt. Apld for on the other)(RD on Stones Side)
Type G 91mm Stone Stout / Bent’s Ales   (Rd # one side & Pt. Apld for on the other) (RD on Bents Ales side)
Type E 90mm Stone Stout  /  Bent’s Ales
Type H 92mm Street / Better Milk
Type C 85mm Strong “ Un / Golden Ale
Type C 85mm Strong’s  /  Golden Ale
Type C 85mm Strong Romsey / Be a Strong Man
Type A 86mm T.H. Lloyd  /  Northampton
Type E 90mm T & J Bernard Ltd / Ales & Stout
Type E 90mm T. & R. Smith  /  .Chorley.
Type G 91mm T & R Smith  /  - Chorley  -
Type E 90mm - Tamplins - / - Tamplins -
Type E 75mm Taunton  /  Cider
Type G 91mm Taylor Walker  /  Brewers Since1730
Type G 91mm Taylor Walker’s / same
Type C 86mm Taylor Walkers / Prize Beers
Type E 77mm Taylor’s / same
Type E 90mm Taylor’s Ales  /  Keighley
Type C 86mm Tennents Beer  /  Tennents Lager
Type G 91mm Tennents Beer / Tennents Lager   (Rd # on Tennents Beer Side)
Type G 91mm Tennents Beer / Tennents Lager   (Rd # on Tennents Lager side)
Type G 91mm Tennents  /  Gold Label
Type C 99mm Tennent’s Lager  /  same
Type E 97mm Tennents Lager / Tennents Pale Ale
Type C 99mm Tennents Lager / Tennents Pale Ale
Type E 90mm Tetley Ales / same
Type C 87mm Tetley’s / Bitter
Type C 87mm Tetley’s / Imperial
Type C 87mm Tetley’s / Special
Type A 93mm Tetley’s  /  Bitter
Type A 93mm Tetley’s / Special
Type A 92mm Tetley’s / Special   (letters are closer  together & the Y is a different type)
Type C2 85mm Tetleys / Special
Type A 103mm The B’Ham Syphon Co Ltd  /  same
Type J 101mm The Circle Brand / same   (this is a stopper  on one end  & has a round head)
Type A 87mm The Crown Cork / Sterilized Milk
Type E 90mm The Iron Bridge  /  Erectedin 1779
Type A 97mm The New Orange Drink ralato  / Blank (silver plated and enamel writing)
Type E 90mm The Viking  /  F.J. Thornton
Type F 91mm The Newcastle / Breweries Ltd
Type A 103mm Thomas and Wootten Ltd  / Allbright  (RARE FACE opener)
Type C 82mm Thomas & Evans  /  WelshHills
Type E 90mm Thorben  /  same
Type C 85mm Thorben  /  same
Type C 85mm Threlfall’s Ales  /  same
Type H 92mm “ Three in One “  /  same  (no Rd # ;has cap lifter instead)
Type H 92mm “ Three in One “  /  same  (Rd 702661)
Type D 82mm Thums-Up  /  Limca
Type G 91mm Thwaites  /  Black Burn
Type A 93mm Thwaites / same
Type G 91mm “ Tizer Special “ / same
Type F  90mm   Tizer Special  /  same
Type A 87mm T.& J. Bernard LTD  /  same
Type B 114mm Tolly Ales / Beano Stout
Type F 90mm Tolly Stout / Light Tolly
Type A 142mm Tolly Ale Opener  /  Light& Dark Tolly  (hook on end) (rare)
Type E 96mm > Torrino < / Birra Metzger
Type E 78mm Tower Ales / Tadcaster
Type E 92mm > Trasks < / > Yeovil <
Type G 91mm True Taste / Softdrinks (Rd. number onTrue Taste side)
Type G 91mm True Taste / Softdrinks (Rd. number onSoftdrinks side)
Type E 91mm Trunch Ales / same
Type E 100mm Turner & Ewing  / Kilmarnock
Type C 90mm Use Deeleys Castings Bloxwich / PhoneBloxwich 76898/9    (hand shape)
Type C 85mm Usher’s Ales / Trowbridge   (Spirits / Wines on head)
Type C 85mm Ushers / same
Type E 89mm “ Ushers “ / Is a Better Beer  (curvedtongue)
Type E 90mm “ Ushers “ / Is a Better Beer (angledtongue)
Type E 98mm Valleys B. & M. Co  /  EbbwVale P.O. 24
Type E 90mm Van Roy  /  Weize     (Weize is written on a 45 degree angle)
Type D 76mm Vaux  /  same
Type E  75mm Vaux  /  same
Type C2 87mm Vaux’s Stout / Sunderland
Type B 91mm Vichy  /  Celestins
Type B 92mm Vichy – Etat / same
Type B 92mm Vichy – Etat / same   (left & right a handed)
Type D2 88mm Vichy – Etat / Vichy – Etat  (leftand right handed)
Type E 75mm Villa / Sunderland
Type G 91mm > Villa < / Sunderland
Type F 77mm “ Vi – Tonica “ / “ Vi – Malto “  (Rd # on  one side only)
Type C2 87mm “ Vi – Tonica “ / “ Vi – Malto “
Type B 74mm “ Vi – Tonica “ / “ Vi – Malto “
Type C 86mm W B Reid & Co / same
Type E 99mm W.m. Younger’s Ale / same
Type C 98mm W.m. Younger’s Ale / same
Type  I 94mm W.U.D. Ltd / Moonraker
Type C 86mm W.Y. & Co Ltd / Edinburgh
Type E 90mm W.Y. & Co Ltd / Edinburgh
Type F 91mm Wadworth & Co Ltd  /  same
Type D 91mm Wadworth & Co LTD  /  same
Type E 90mm - Walker -  /  Warrington
Type E 99mm Walker & Wickens / Sterilized Milk
Type E 98mm Walkers Dairies / > Liverpool <
Type H 92mm Walkers Dairies / > Liverpool <
Type C 85mm Ward & Sons / Swinton
Type G 91mm -Warwicks-  /  -Newark-
Type E 89mm - Warwicks - / - Newark -
Type G 91mm Weilmans  /  Same (no Rd# ithas # 02.444940 instead on both sides)
Type C 85mm West Country / same
Type E 90mm Westmalle  /  Trappist
Type G 91mm Westmalle  /  Trappist
Type G 91mm Whitbread  /  Ales & Stout
Type F 91mm Whitbread  /  -Stout-
Type D 90mm Whitbread’s  /  8 Stout 8
Type D2 86mm Whitbread’s  /  same
Type D 88mm Whitbread  /  Stout
Type F 90mm Whitbread  /  - Stout – (different shaped head to other F)
Type E 98mm Whitestar Brewery / same
Type C 82mm Whiteways  /  Cyder
Type E 90mm Wightwick Manor /  National Trust
Type G 91mm Wilderspoon / Ales & Stout
Type E 77mm Wilkinson’s / Table Waters
Type D 84mm Wilson / Aligarh
Type B 87mm Wolfe’s Schnapps / same
Type B 87mm Wolverhampton / W. Butler & Co Ld   (3mm writing)
Type B 88mm Wolverhampton / W. Butler & Co Ltd   (5mm writing)
Type E 90mm  Wolverhampton / W. Butler &Co LTD
Type E 90mm Wolverhampton  /  985-1985
Type E 99mm Workington Brewery /  John Peel
Type E 99mm Workington Brewery / > John Peel <
Type E 75mm Wrekin  /  same
Type C 85mm Wrekin  /  same
Type E 90mm Wrexham Lager  /  same
Type C 87mm Wright’s  /  Perth Ale
Type A 85mm Wright’s Perth / Ales & Stout
Type E 89mm Y.C. & Y. LTD  /  same
Type E 91mm X . York . X  /  . Brentford.
Type E 90mm York Wine &  / Spirit Co. Ltd.
Type E 90mm  Young’s  Beers  /  same
Type A 102mm Younger’s No 1 Alloa  /  Don’tGo Dry, Mind No 1